Reports and Papers
Betz, R., Cludius, J., and Jones, M.C. (2014) Trading Costs and the Efficiency of Emissions Trading – Evidence from the EU ETS, 4th IAEE Asia Conference 2014, Beijing, 19 Sept 2014
CUAC (2014) Our Gas Challenge: The Role of Gas in Victorian Households, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Melbourne
CUAC (2013) Making the Gas Connection: an introduction to the gas sector for consumer organisations, Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Melbourne
Betz, R., Jones, M.C., MacGill, I.M., and Passey, R. (2013). Trading in energy efficiency in Australia: What are the lessons learnt so far? First published in the Proceedings of the eceee 2013 Summer Study,
3-8 June 2011, Belambra Presqu’île de Giens, France.
German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) (2012). Prospects for CDM in Post 2012 Carbon Markets. (Contributing expert.)
Jones, M.C., Twomey, P., MacGill, I., and Betz, R. (2011). Australia - Finally a Carbon Pricing Scheme? In J. Peetermans (Ed.), Greenhouse Gas Market Report 2011 (pp. 2–6). International Emissions Trading Association.
[Forthcoming] Twomey, P., Jones, M.C., Betz, R. Robustness in Climate Policy – Concepts, Tools and Strategies.
Jones, Martin C (2009). An International Comparison of Alternatives to GDP as a Measure of Welfare. Diploma (Masters) Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
[Interview] Victorians hit with gas price hike, 3AW/Neil Mitchell, September 4, 2014
[Interview] Householders warned that gas may soon be more expensive than electricity, Herald Sun, September 4, 2014
[Interview] Gas prices to surge 24pc, overtaking electricity: report, Financial Review, September 3, 2014
[Interview] Gas bills to soar over next few years, The Age, September 3, 2014
[Interview] The Price of Gas, ABC Background Briefing, August 23, 2014
[Interview] Explainer: Why gas prices are set to increase, ABC website, April 23, 2014
[Interview] Gas prices tipped to rise in SA, Vic, Qld, NSW and ACT, ABC AM, April 23, 2014
[Interview] Gas consumers set for gas hike despite tripling of production, ABC News Breakfast, April 23, 2014
States of decay: the need to complement carbon policy, RenewEconomy, March 25, 2013
States of decay: complementing the federal carbon policy, The Conversation, March 25, 2013
[Interview] Australia’s carbon market at stake
in September election, Reuters Point Carbon, Carbon Market Australia-New Zealand February 1, 2013
[Interview] Govt defends decision to scrap carbon floor price, ABC The World Today, August 29, 2012
[Interview] Pricing carbon has passed the acid test, Sydney Morning Herald, June 30, 2012
Who’s responsible for exported CO2?, New Matilda, June 27, 2012
Surrendering to the idea of a price floor, Reuters Point Carbon, Carbon Market Australia-New Zealand May 11, 2012
[Interview] New South Wales bins carbon trading scheme, Reuters Point Carbon, Carbon Market Australia-New Zealand April 13, 2012
The state climate smokescreen, Climate Spectator, March 30, 2012
State climate schemes still worthwhile under a carbon price, The Conversation, March 29, 2012
Who will keep it clean?, New Matilda, September 26, 2011
Our ‘clean energy future’ explained, New Matilda, September 23, 2011
Finally! Climate policies explained, New Matilda, August 4, 2011
Carbon pricing: the big picture, Crikey, July 5, 2011
Risk rising, uncertainty falling, New Matilda, May 25, 2011
Carbon tax 101, New Matilda, March 22, 2011
Give us something to talk about, New Matilda, March 8, 2011